For a more comprehensive list of Training's please reach out with your specific needs.
Professional Training:
Harassment Prevention (Management): 2 hours
Sexual Harassment Prevention (Employee): 1.0 hour
Business Ethics: 1.0 hour
Customer Service: 45 minutes
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging: 1.0 hour
Goal Setting (Includes SMARTER goals): 1.5 hours
Leadership: Various and Customized
Coaching Techniques: Various Customized
Addressing Performance Concerns: Various and Customized
Career Days (No Charge to Junior High Schools, High Schools & Colleges):
Stress Management: 45 minutes
Personal Professional Branding: Various and Customized
How to package yourself so employers know you are a great recruit.
Resume and Interview Preparation
Create an impactful Linkedin Profile
Social Media Safety: 45 minutes
This session reminds young leaders that what they post and how they post is important.